Having an online store can help you grow your business without making a large investment. With all of the competition in the world of ecommerce, you will have to work to stay on the cutting edge in order to gain the lion’s share of your market. There will come a time when the existing site you have will need to be updated. When this time comes, be sure to consider some of the following factors. Thoroughly Analyze Your Conversion Funnel The lifeline of any ecommerce business is consistent conversions. Before deciding on a redesign for your site, you need to look for any defects in your existing conversion funnel. If your sales have been steadily declining, you need to track down the reason for this decline and fix it immediately. Among the most common problems in an ecommerce site’s conversion funnel is slow page loading speeds. If a visitor to your website has to wait a long time for pages to load, they will generally abandon their cart and seek out the services of a competitor. Working with professional website building professionals will allow you to make your new ecommerce store fast and functional. Think About Using a Subscription Model Are you having a hard time retaining customers? One of the best ways to solve this problem is by embracing the power of recurring billing. A recurring billing service can help you setup a subscription based model for your ecommerce website with no problem. Using a subscription model will make things like revenue forecasting much easier. With the help of recurring billing professionals and the right software, you can hit the ground running with your new website and subscription service. Work On Improving Your Site’s Navigation and Checkout Process If visitors to your site are complaining about how hard it is to find what they are looking for, you need to act quickly to fix this problem. The last thing you want is for a visitor to your site to become frustrated due to confusing navigation. Having important information easily accessible will keep site visitors happy and can lead to them buying more. You should also take a good look at your checkout process to ensure it is simple. If this process is too complex, it will generally lead to a high number of abandoned carts. With a comprehensive redesign, you can get your ecommerce store back up to par.

Revamp Your Product Descriptions Showing up on the first page of Google search results should be the main goal you have for your ecommerce venture. The only way you can accomplish is by using the right keywords in your page content and product descriptions. Hiring an SEO professional to revamp the content on your site is a great idea. Once you have updated this content, you should be able to see a noticeable change in the amount of traffic your site receives. Taking on the ecommerce site redesign process alone can lead to huge problems. Working with seasoned professionals in both the web design and recurring billing industries can benefit you and your business greatly.

Thinking of Updating Your Ecommerce Website  Be Sure to Consider These Tips   TechWorm - 32