The employee, who spoke to Business Insider on the condition we kept their anonymity, said there are a lot of people trying to get hold of Apple’s inside information. “You’d be surprised how many people get on to us, just random Apple employees,” the source told BI. “You get emails offering you thousands [of euros] to get a password to get access to Apple. “I could sell my Apple ID login information online for €20,000 (£15,000 / $23,000) tomorrow. That’s how much people are trying.” While it is known that Apple’s Fort Knox like facilities are mouth watering options for hackers, it was not known that hackers may be approaching the staff directly with such offers. Another former Apple employee confirmed to Business Insider that hackers contact Apple staff and offer them money in exchange for login details or company information. “They look for someone who has jumped diagonally into a junior managerial position, so not a lifer working their way up, and not a lifer who has been there a long time,” the former Apple employee said. He also added that Apple knew about this lucrative offers being doled out to its employees and had launched a scheme called “Grow Your Own” as  to tackle this issue. The source said Apple is “very, very careful” in terms of security, adding that it’s exceptionally hard for anyone to gain access to Apple’s offices without authorisation. The authorisation is so difficult that even the remote workers in Ireland have difficulty in accessing the company’s offices in Cork, where thousands of Apple workers are based, the source said. “You have to have a particular coded badge to get into the building,” they explained. Apple is yet to comment on this issue.