While there are no standout features in this release, it however notably does have support for FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) content, a high-end gaming experience thanks to the implementation of WebGL 2 support, and the ability to view passwords before saving them in the built-in password manager. The users can now also save passwords for forms that don’t have “submit” events. They have also enabled Skia 2D graphics library for content rendering by default in the Linux build too. Another enhancement delivers improved video performance for users that don’t benefit from any GPU (graphics processing unit) acceleration. Besides using less CPU power, the new Firefox version promises a better full-screen experience. Also, other changes include the zoom indicator which is now shown in the menu bar, turning on e10s multi-process Firefox for users with extensions that are not explicitly marked as incompatible, and enhancements to various CSS/JavaScript/ES2015 developer improvements. The new release also implements “atomic uploads” when syncing bookmarks to improve reliability. Firefox 51.0 is available now as a free, open-source download for Windows, Mac and Linux. Further, Firefox for Android 51.0 is also due for release.