Python 3 is currently being adopted by more and more GNU/Linux operating systems, as the world always tries to move forward and implement the newest of technologies. Additionally, support for Python 2 slowly starts to fade on some of the most popular OSes. Miro Hron?ok is a Fedora ambassador and packager working at Red Hat, focusing on the Python stack and 3D printing for the Fedora Linux operating system. Today, July 15, 2016, he has informed Softpedia that his team needs volunteers to help with the Python 3 porting of various packages from the Fedora Python 3 Porting Database. “Fedora is always moving forward and that means switching to Python 3. There are plenty of upstream projects that already support Python 3. Unfortunately, they are often not packaged in Fedora,” says Miro Hron?ok. “Join the porting party, help us move to the future and get your reward. We can port it, but not without your help!” Here’s how you can help Helping the Fedora developers to get most of these packages ported to the latest Python 3 technologies is easy. All you have to do is have some knowledge about the Python 3 programming language, pick one or more packages you want to port, fire up the Bugzilla link on that package(s) and check its status, and claim it yours for the porting revolution. To actually port the package, you need to prepare a Git commit for the spec file that makes the respective package compatible with Python 3, create the patch and attach it to the Bugzilla bug report. Of course, you’ll also need to make sure that the patch has been applied. Best of all, you can earn a Fedora badge for each patch.