Well, everyone knows that internet is a pretty sinful place and the adult content very often finds its way onto Facebook, Instagram and their likes. To provide a ‘sin-free’ competition to the world’s largest social network, a group of Evangelical Christians in Brazil has launched a site named Facegloria. The site’s religious motive is to help people erase the sins created by the use of Facebook and to cleanse the already dirtied hearts of religious people. The group, located in Ferraz de Vasconcelos near Sao Paulo, is making efforts to keep things holy with strict rules that prevent users from using profanity, no use of improper picture and definitely no use or reference to ‘homosexuality’. The site whose aim is to do the moral and spiritual cleaning up that Facebook doesn’t offer applies restrictions to colorful language. There are 600 banned words on the site along with any depictions that are considered violent in nature, sexual or just objectionable. Homosexuality also falls under the hammer, with anything gay-related receiving a firm thumbs down. Apart from taking on the largest social network with an allegedly cleaner and morally upright approach, Facegloria also makes use of the similar blue and white theme from the Mark Zuckerberg-owned company. Sticking with the holy theme, Facegloria users don’t “like” posts, but instead they say “amen”. In its first month, approximately 100,000 people have signed up for Facegloria. The network has a target of 10 million users in the next two years. Once it reaches the target, it will rechristen itself as Faceglory. One can only wait and watch to see if the site can be successful without the controversy, dirt and altercation that attracts people to other forms of social media every day.