Anonymous strikes at Klu Klux Klan (KKK) groups with HoodsOff and OpKKKBattle of IdeologyThe Ferguson CaseThe Video

Battle of Ideology

Anonymous claims that the battle they’re surging isn’t against KKK members, but against their ideology as a whole.  Anonymous claims to have unmasked the top leadership of the Klu Klux Klan after the KKK threatened violence against the Ferguson protesters. Protests are expected to erupt pending the results of a Grand Jury decision on Darren Wilson – the accused in the case. In a video the group posted to YouTube they say that the KKK is  for messing “with their family.” aka Anonymous. The Anonymous through as specifically targeted operation called #OpFerguson has been acting as a digital watchdog when it comes to events following the fatal shooting of Mike Brown. While announcing the launch of  #OpKKK and #HoodsOff, the hackers collective has said it was targeting anything promoting the agenda of the KKK. They claimed to have launched DDoS attacks to take down the KKK websites and have claimed to have unmasked number of their members. High profile ones that too. Although, Anonymous have gone over the top before as well. Few would also remember that they had claimed to take down Facebook for their total disrespect of its users. Experts advise to take any Anonymous news with a pinch of salt. The group is a very wide one with lots of layers. . Anonymous does have a history of going after hate groups though like when they attempted to purge the internet during #OpBlitzkreig. If they are accurate in their unhooding of KKK members though I think just about everyone would support their efforts. Even if it is probably the most ironic cyber war that will ever take place.

The Ferguson Case

The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally shot by Darren Wilson, 28, a white police officer. The disputed circumstances of the shooting escalated quickly into a racial war both physical and on cyber space and the resultant protests and civil unrest received considerable attention in the United States and abroad. Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson were walking down the middle of the street when Wilson drove up and ordered them to move to the sidewalk. Brown and Wilson struggled through the window of the police vehicle until Wilson’s gun was fired, either intentionally or as a result of the struggle. Brown and Johnson then fled in different directions, with Wilson in pursuit of Brown. Wilson shot Brown six times, killing him. Witness reports differ as to whether and when Brown had his hands raised, and whether he was moving toward Wilson, when the final shots were fired.

The Video

The video by Anonymous announcing the launch of #OpKKK and HoodsOff is given below :