A DDoS attack is a common method for taking down a server by overloading it with requests. Amped Attacks takes down a website and tweets announcing it to the world. He/she uses the hashtag  #tangodown in the tweets to announce the downing of website. This a hashtag commonly used by the online hacktivist group, Anonymous. However, other than #tangodown, there doesnt seem to any connection between the hacker and Anonymous. Also, no major Anonymous Twitter account has sanctioned or endorsed Amped Attacks exploits. Amped Attacks earlier today took down a anti-gay website, godhatesfags.com, as you can see in the tweet below. https://twitter.com/sgtbilko420/status/656982410245111808 Amped Attacks has successfully targeted and temporarily killed multiple sites. https://twitter.com/sgtbilko420/status/656906046901002241 On the weekend, he took down kkkknights.com, though the site quickly returned. However, Amped Attacks has vowed to take it down again. https://twitter.com/sgtbilko420/status/656950444447657984